STAR test schedule causes conflicts for DHS students

The altered school schedule for STAR testing this week has many students frustrated about the time changes to their class periods.
The most notable schedule change caused by STAR testing is that on Friday, sixth period ends at 3:30pm, an hour later than normal.
Senior McKenzie Seaton is annoyed by the fact that sixth period that day will create conflict with her 3:00pm job at Cultivé Frozen Yogurt.
“The administration hasn’t taken into consideration the fact that people choose their schedules for a reason,” Seaton said.
Seaton has purposely never had a sixth period in order to maintain her job of two years.
Like Seaton, sophomore Adriana Defty has no seventh period and would normally get out of school at 2:30pm.
Defty does not have any conflicts created by this week’s schedule, but she still finds Friday’s alteration irritating.
She thinks that a good idea would be to forgo classes for the whole week of STAR testing.
“We’re so tired of [STAR] testing we won’t be able to focus in class anyway,” Defty said.
However, with five furlough days this year, many teachers are desperate to make up missing days of instruction and need this week to catch up on class material.
Seaton’s solution to fix the schedule would be to deduct time from testing periods because she believes that two hours is more than enough time anyone needs to take each STAR test.