Rock STAR activities amp up STAR testing week

In honor of this week’s STAR testing, student government hosted Rock STAR Week on the quad each day at lunch. After sitting at a desk bubbling in circles on a scantron for two hours, students were able to enjoy the rockin’ activities designed to amp up the testing week.
The activities included a teacher dunk tank, live music, and games.
Today students celebrated the end of the STAR testing week by purchasing discounted lunch items on campus from Jamba Juice, Zia’s Delicatessen, and Dos Coyotes.
“A lot of students don’t like STAR testing so we wanted to have this to make it not so boring and give students some excitement,” Rachel Smith, a Rock STAR week coordinator, said.
In addition to the games and entertainment, a raffle was held today. The prizes included a new iPod (won by Allison Kino), a massage from Massage Envy (won by Courtney Jimenez) and a Seventeen magazine subscription (won by Abbi Furlow).
Students got tickets for the raffle from their teachers during the testing sessions each day or by participating in activities at lunch.
“The goal is to get students pumped for STAR testing and to get more participation in not only STAR testing but school activities. This makes the testing and time spent worth it with great prizes and amazing games,” Smith said.