MAST club helps with Chemistry AP studying

With AP testing quickly approaching, students are trying to find effective ways to study. Some students buy multiple test prep books from Princeton Review, Barrons, or Kaplan to self-study. However, for Chemistry AP students, the DHS Math and Science Tutoring (MAST) club offers an alternative to textbook studying.
Over the past two weeks, MAST has given four lunch-time lectures covering AP topics such as solubility, electrochemistry, gas laws and reactions. Every session, a MAST member goes over a free-response question that may appear on the AP test to practice the problems as well as to familiarize the students with the test format.
Although the MAST officers tried to advertise the lunch-time lectures to Chemistry AP students, the initial turnout was less than expected.
“I stopped by the room at the beginning of lunch on the first day, and there was probably about 10 people,” MAST co-president Lin Yang said. However, by Wednesday of this week, Yang noticed that almost every desk was filled with a student.
So far, Yang said that the lectures seem to be effective and the student feedback has been positive.
“I’ve talked to a couple of students, and they said that it was nice to be able to go over some free-response problems, since they don’t take practice tests in the course,” Yang said.
One last lecture will be given today, covering more about reactions and also to answer any last-minute questions before the Chemistry AP test on Monday.