Mu Alpha Theta Math Club hosts a battle of wits
By Lauren Blackwell,
Bluedevilhub Editor-in-ChiefThe DHS Mu Alpha Theta Math Club hosted its third annual Davis Math Tournament on April 1.
The tournament presented an opportunity approximately 150 fourth to eighth grade students to compete for many different awards in both the individual and group categories.
North Davis Elementary School and Holmes Junior High School nabbed the elementary and junior high school overall school award, each with the most awards won by the students in their categories.
According to club president and senior William Liu, the tournament provides a great learning opportunity for the kids and “to promote math future generations of students.”
Senior treasurer Jonathan Liu believes that all of the hard work put in to planning the tournament pays off in the end.
“It gives [the kids] a chance to apply the skills they learn in the classroom and utilize them in a competition,” he said.
Along with the tournament, UCD math professor Jesus De Loera, as the days results were being calculated by club members, presented to an eager crowd of kids about complex geometry ideas.
Junior Ben Jin, club member, said that bringing in De Loera was a good idea to educate the kids.
“We wanted to introduce kids to the possibility of math as a career,” Jin said.
DHS students can join Mu Alpha Theta in the fall to be part of the club in the 2012-2013 school year.