Students bring Halloween to Davis High campus

Courtesy photo by Benjamin Jin
Davis High encompassed the holiday spirit as several students dressed up in costume to celebrate Halloween.
As costumes filled the halls of Davis High, students shouted, “I found him! I found Waldo!”
Senior Kiki Tanaka was a hockey player for the day and says that the best part about Halloween is the costumes. “My favorite part is being whoever you want to be and being creative about costumes,” Tanaka said.
Many seniors participated in the spirit because they wanted their last Halloween at Davis High to be memorable.
Senior Marisa Pisciotta dressed up as a cheetah and wore her cheetah pajama pants with her cat ears. Pisciotta admits that her main intent was not to dress up but she also realized that it was her last chance to participate. “Honestly it was kinda just an excuse to stay in my pajamas all day and be comfortable. And I figured it was the last Halloween school day and I may as well have fun with it,” Pisciotta said.
Both Pisciotta and Tanaka believe that anyone can celebrate Halloween, no matter how old.
Sadly, Pisciotta had to stay home to pass out candy because her parents were not home. However, if she had the chance, she says that she would have definitely gone door to door. “Who says no to free candy?!” Pisciotta said.
Tanaka has gone trick-or-treating every year and she does not plan on ending the tradition in high school. “It might be kinda creepy if an old person goes trick or treating by themselves but Halloween itself is never outgrown, you’re just involved in it in different ways,” Tanaka said.