007 Decided as Theme for Junior Prom

007 Decided as Theme for Junior Prom
By Shauna Simon, HUB Staff Writer
The Junior Prom committee is already busy preparing for Junior Ball this winter. The theme: 007 James Bond Casino Royale.
According to junior Cat Archer, a member of the Junior Prom Committee, student government wanted to involve the juniors with the preparation process of the event. “We wanted to let the student body help with the decision [regarding the theme],” Archer.
In order to accomplish this, the Junior Prom committee posted ideas for the theme in the class of 2014 Facebook page. The committee then read over the various comments of ideas for the theme and narrowed it down to three: 007 James Bond Casino Royale, night in New York, and Hollywood. These choices were put onto a ballot and distributed to classes Nov. 9 for voting.
The Junior Prom Committee consists of seven student government members. Archer and junior Madi Yule, also a member of the committee, are in charge of decorating.
Archer thinks that the 007 theme will make for a fun challenge. “We have a lot to do because we have less time than years previous but we’ll be able to get it done. We’re all super excited for a good junior prom,” Archer said.
Yule is also excited to put her decorating skills to the test by transforming the old gym into a James Bond casino. “I think the theme is really cool and I think we will be able to do a lot with it,” Yule said.
Junior Prom will be held Dec. 8 at 9 p.m. in the Davis High North Gym.