Lucid dreaming manipulates subconsciousness Staff–
Imagine a world where anything is possible. You could do whatever you wanted, be with whomever you wanted to and even change the time of day. All of this is possible in the world of lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming presents a different level of consciousness as it fosters being aware that one is dreaming and having complete control over what happens. It provides a peculiar type of reality but also in a sense the same sort of reality one experiences when awake.
Lucid dreaming is when one is aware that one is dreaming and has control over one’s actions.
Jayne Gackenbach is a dream researcher and writer at the Department of Psychology at MacEwan University.
“Once you know you’re in a dream, the sense of free will emerges and thus one make choices, but there are limits one those choices as the dream does not always respond as one would like,” Gackenbach said.
Lucid dreaming has a role to play in the job of the human mind, which is to perform. Once one is lucid dreaming, one is only restricted by one’s ability to imagine and conceive, not by the laws of science or physics.
This concept can be used to fulfill one’s fantasy, to prepare for situations in the real world by creating a sample one, problem solving, emotional or mental healing, inspiration or even just to find peace.
However, for some dreamers, the experience has been proven unsuccessful.
Sophomore Shreya Sudarshana has attempted to lucid dream.
“I didn’t really get to end up controlling something, because I think I woke up right after I realized I was in a dream,” Surdarshana said.
The phenomenon of people being able to be consciously aware that they are dreaming and subsequently be able to control their dreams continues to baffle some people.
“I guess just thinking about it made it happen. I was able to change the time of day from daytime to nighttime,” sophomore Miranda Alvarez said, in regards to how to control one’s dreams.
Sudarshana described the realization of being able to control her dreams as “scary.”
Lucid dreaming also helps people cope with past traumatic events and escape nightmares.
You can control without lucidity and vice versa. You can control yourself in a dream much easier than the dream scene or other dream characters,” Gackenbach said.
Helpful techniques for dreamers in hope of lucidity include keeping a dream diary and mediation, as Gackenbach suggests.
“It improves your dream recall in general and hopefully leads to paying attention to your dreams as a great way to know yourself,” Gackenbach said.