Gap year emphasizes learning beyond the classroom

By Abby Shade, Staff–
At a time when college acceptance letters and decisions are on the minds of many seniors, some students are thinking of taking a break from school.
For some students the thought of taking a gap year never crosses their mind. While there may be misconception that people only take gap years to stay at home and watch T.V. on their parents’ couch, in reality, that is seldom the case. Gap year expert Gail Reardon stated in a article that “The name implies that students are taking a gap

in their education, when really the gap is to fill in what they haven’t learned in school.”
Senior Logan Schwab discusses his reason for taking a gap year.
“I love to fish and I want to explore the outdoors and the United

States a little bit before I go to college. Most of my friends and family are very supportive and think it will be a great experience,” Schwab said.
Schwab got a job this summer as a boat captain in Glacier National Park, Montana where he will be saving up for his gap year. Schwab plans to travel to different national parks throughout the U.S. to pursue his passion for fishing. When he gets back from that trip in Aug. 2015, he will start school at a junior college in San Diego and later try to transfer to a state or UC school to major in fisheries biology.

“I would only recommend taking a gap year to those who feel that they will have no problem getting back on track education-wise after the gap year. I’d definitely encourage that people who do take a gap year have a plan as to what they will be doing afterwards too,” Schwab said.
Senior Caitlin Harjes accepted an internship in Berlin where she will be helping out at a circus school.
“I definitely recommend taking a gap year because it gives you time to really think about what you want, and you don’t have college debts to pay off yet. My family is thrilled and so are most of my friends, but some people are surprised and just don’t get it,” Harjes said.
Many people do not understand why taking a gap year is helpful or

necessary. A recent discussion in student teacher Daniel Hartrum’s Race and Social Justice class revealed that the majority of the class don’t think that gap years should be a priority. Davis Alumni Mark Unger thinks differently.
“I think it’s important and healthy to take time off and find what your passion is before you commit to a college and a major. Traveling has been such an eye opening experience and I would like to challenge others not to get trapped in the paths set out for us but to experience life and the world to the greatest extent,” Uger said.
Unger is currently traveling Europe with his friend and former classmate Carson Murray. Together, the pair are exploring over 25 European countries in four months. Unger and Murray graduated a semester early to go on this trip.
“This trip is giving me the opportunity to experience new cultures and places,” Unger said.