HOMECOMING: Classes to beat in door decorating contest

By Ben Liu and Camille Renaud,
Bluedevilhub.com Staff–
The door decorating contest takes place every year at Davis High during homecoming week. Students and teachers get to decorate their fourth period class doors according to the year’s theme.
Previous year’s winners include Yearbook teacher David Achimore and Vice Principal Amelia Hess.
Achimore won the Harry Potter theme in 2012 with a Quidditch match scene on the door.
“We had a 2-D picture of Harry potter on a broom with a 3-D paper mache hand coming out of the door and a golden snitch on a string falling into the hand,” Achimore said.
In 2013 the theme was “Devils through the Decades.”
“Last year my class drew a Blue Devil that had pictures of different activities around it and we also had streamers,” Spanish teacher Brittney Diebert said. “We were in the running but we didn’t win.”
Hess’ door won last year with a Blue Devil picture wearing multiple outfits from different decades taped to it in layers.
“It had on an outfit from one decade, like the 60s, taped onto it and you ripped off one layer of clothing and underneath there would be another outfit from a different decade, like the 70s,” Diebert said.
This year the homecoming theme is mythology.
“What really helps is to have an artistic class with school spirit. I had about 8 students who stayed after class to finish it,” Achimore said.
The usual door decorating front runner and English teacher Janine Widman is looking to avenge last year’s door decorating loss with her sophomore class’ ideas and the theme, Aztec Myths, that will be judged this Wednesday, Sept. 24.
Last year, Widman was shocked with a crushing defeat ending her winning streak. The winner was history teacher Fern O’Brien with the “Devils Through the Decades” theme.
O’Brien’s class created a drive-in diner for their 50’s theme and Widman’s speech and debate class made a jukebox with all three decades- 50s, 60s and 70s.
“I was devastated. I really thought we had a shot at winning,” Widman said.
The theme for this year’s sophomore class is Aztec Myths. The details on Widman’s door have not been revealed, but you can expect her class to add all the components to make it a winning door.
“I love my fourth period class, but I think it’s going to be a challenge with the Aztec theme that is not as stereotypical as last year’s.” Widman said.
Widman is giving the class a little bit of time in class to brainstorm ideas and make a plan. Some students volunteered to put in extra time outside of class to make the final product.
Doors will be judged on Sept. 24. The winning class from each division will receive a pizza party put on by the ASB on the following Wednesday.
“I really hope we win! We’re really into it this year and it means a lot to Ms. Widman,” Irem Sogutlugil, a student in Widman’s fourth period class said.