HOMECOMING: Sophomore senators organize float building
By Denna Changizi,
Bluedevilhub.com Staff–
While students prepared to attend the homecoming game on Sept. 26, sophomore senators Anika Kingsley, Arzoo Manhandar and Samantha Moore are busy organizing for the events.
Though all aspects of homecoming are very important, the floats have been keeping the three senators occupied the most. Thankfully, lumber and hardware stores such as Ace Hardware have been donating money for float supplies.
With all of the work that needs to be done, Kingsley, Manhandar and Moore have been giving this spirit week all they can to make it the best.
“I thought that it would be way more stressful, but it’s not that bad,” Kingsley said.
Student government has been keen on making things as easy as possible for the busy senators.
“Student government is actually pretty organized, doing so its easy to get through everything,” Moore said.
However, the senators accidentally locked most of their supplies in Mr. Salcedos’ room today. This caused a minor setback, leaving them with nothing to do but paint.
“I would say the parade [is the most important]… we all get to put our own ideas in and its fun for everyone,” Arzoo Manhandar said.
When talking about homecoming week, she stressed how hard her and her senators have been working.
But most importantly Kingsley, Manhandar, and Moore have all been having great time working together. They can’t wait to show off the final results at homecoming on Sept. 26.