HOMECOMING: Da Vinci included in parade for first time

By Claire Bachand,
Bluedevilhub.com Staff–
Da Vinci Charter Academy was invited to participate in Davis High’s Homecoming parade this year for the first time ever. Da Vinci students have been busy preparing their float; the school’s event committee, a part of Da Vinci’s leadership class, consists of seven people who are organizing the float. The committee has met four times, and they are still finishing up the float.
According to junior Sawyer Norton, the float is meant to “look really cool like a daytime party,” and to “harness that party vibe.”
On Oct. 7, Da Vinci students crowded onto the lawn behind the classrooms to adorn their school float. Some students worked on decoration or building turntables, while others enjoyed the food that was provided.
Students were notified of the event via the intercom, Facebook and a big outdoor white board. The offer of food was also used to lure students in to help with the construction.
The event was scattered with food, art supplies such as necklaces and rolls of black paper and many enthusiastic teenagers.
“It’s cool that we are being recognized for the awesome school that we are,” senior Lucas de Bie said.