Republican students discuss presidential preferences

Junior Ethan Tang shows off his Republican pride.
Junior Ethan Tang shows off his Republican pride.

By Roland Li, Staff–

California is well-known as a Democratic state. According to the Public Policy Institution of California, 43.2% of eligible voters are Democratic and only 28% are Republican, while the remaining 28.8% are either unaffiliated or support another party.

However, there are some students at Davis High who have conservative political views. Some, like junior Josh Lara, developed their position due to surrounding influences.

“My family is Republican, especially my dad,” Lara said. “Because of this I identify myself as a Republican.”

Junior Ethan Tang’s family has had no impact on his Republican political views; his parents are not affiliated with any party and his brother supports the Democrats.

“Growing up in Davis, I never fully agreed with many of the very liberal ideals,” Tang said. “When I got a little older, I realized that many conservative policies appealed to me much more.”

In the 2016 presidential election, Tang supports Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio. Senior Anthony DiCarlo also believes Rubio would do the best job as president.

“I feel like he would be able to compromise with a lot of people on the left,” DiCarlo said. “His immigration policy is a little more about getting things done as opposed to these blanket statements we are getting from other Republican candidates like [Donald] Trump.”

Lara supports none of the candidates in this year’s election, but really does not want Trump to win.

“I do not like Donald Trump because of his political ideas and the way he argues for his side on political issues,” Lara explained.

Trump’s policy proposals and personal attacks throughout the campaign have garnered widespread opposition. Although he does not support Trump, Tang believes that Trump may be misunderstood sometimes.

“Trump is quoted out of context many times and people usually don’t understand his political policy,” Tang said. “So if someone dislikes Trump, I hope they are disliking him for the right reasons.”

DiCarlo also opposes some of the other Republican candidates.

“On one hand you have Ted Cruz, a radical whose potentially disastrous foreign policy could get us into another war,” DiCarlo said. “On the other hand you have Ben Carson, an apparently clueless man who has zero political experience and is running on a platform of ‘I used to be a brain surgeon so I’m pretty smart.’ ”

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