Aspiring officers can unlock Key Club’s potential
By Yuliya Monastyrska, Staff–
The Davis High Key Club will hold officer elections Wednesday, Feb. 24 at lunch in room S-12. Club president and senior Preethi Bhat explained what the club is all about.
The president of the club is responsible for running meetings, making PowerPoints and building relationships with club members. The vice president runs social media, publicity and behind-the-scenes work, and ensures everyone stays on track. The treasurer takes care of registration dates/fees, and runs fundraisers and conventions. Senior Sarah Zaragoza-Smith said there are also two project coordinator positions available.
“It usually gets kind of busy because we have to send out a lot of emails to different coordinators asking if they need any volunteers for any events, and we generally just organize the volunteering projects,” Zaragoza-Smith said.
The secretary takes care of the paperwork and Excel spreadsheets, fills out club meeting forms, records information and ensures that Key Club International gets DHS’ information. Finally, the webmaster runs club websites and takes photos of events.
“Key Club is an amazing opportunity to get a lot of volunteering done,” Zaragoza-Smith said. “Another amazing thing about it is that it is an international club, and students can do it all throughout their life.”