ELECTION: UC students protest, speak out against Trump

By Willa Moffatt and Meghan Bobrowsky,
BlueDevilHUB.com Editors-in-Chief–
Republican nominee Donald Trump’s unexpected victory in the presidential election last night left many millennials across California feeling hopeless and scared. As a result, they have decided to protest.
Students at UCLA, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara wrapped themselves in blankets and hurried out to the streets to make a statement about their political beliefs. Classes continued as scheduled today, but that did not stop DHS alumna and current UCSB freshman Bia Kinder from listening to student speakers during breaks.
Former DHS student and current Cal freshman Brendan Deas witnessed the beginnings of his campus’ protests on election night when students became disgruntled at the results being played on a Jumbotron near the main entrance of campus at Sproul plaza.
Deas reported that when the school took the screen down– they had only rented it for a limited period of time– the students watching began to shout. It escalated to a “massive group” marching down Telegraph Avenue and onto the highway, according to Deas.
This morning Berkeley saw multiple protests, including the Berkeley High School walkout being joined by students at the university, and one focused on undocumented immigrants. This evening, Deas joined a mass of protesters marching past his dorm.
“I think a lot of people are showing solidarity for people [who will be most] affected by [Trump] […] No real change will happen but it makes a statement,” Deas said.
There have also been instances of vandalism of buildings that have been spray painted with anti-Trump slogans, including a Walgreens on campus. A trending hashtag on social media has also cropped up in the past 24 hours: #NotMyPresident. This phrase was also one of several rallying cries that the protesters chanted as they marched.
As for the life of the protests, Deas believes that Berkeley students will be poised to react at any moment going forward.
“I think [the protests] will die down until he does anything, there will definitely be some when he’s inaugurated, at any [offensive statements] in his speech, people will protest,” Deas said.
And here in Davis, protests started late yesterday evening after Trump began his victory speech. Students gathered at the Tercero dorms off of La Rue Road and made their way past the Unitrans parking lot to Trader Joe’s near Russell Blvd, according to DHS alumni and UCD freshman Daniel Johnson. Johnson marched with other distraught students until 1:35 a.m. because Trump’s win “pushed me over an edge of depression and anger where I needed to be heard,” Johnson said.
“Now is a time for those of us who understand acceptance to come together. It is a time for white people, especially white men, to help however they can,” Johnson said. “It is a time for us to love each other […] to protect each other and keep each other safe from the hate crimes and violence that are sure to occur in the future.”
He urges other students to voice their opinions.
“If you believe in something, say it. Stand up and shout it. Get on top of the world and scream it.”