Auto Shop brings opportunities and experience to students

By Hailey Collier, Staff–
One class at Davis High is noticeably different than others. In place of computers, there are cars. In place of whiteboards, there are wrenches. Welcome to DHS Auto Shop.
Auto teacher Robert Thayer believes this is an important class that gives students a lot of real life experience.
He points out that most families have vehicles that need to be serviced, often with a high price tag.
“The students in the auto shop classes are learning the skills needed to […] maintain and service their own families’ vehicles or their own personal vehicles when they are in high school [and even beyond that],” Thayer said.
Junior Gio Gil took Basic Auto last year, and is currently taking Advanced Automotive Technology.
“I really liked [auto] last year, and how educational it was, as well as hands on. And [in advanced auto] it was supposed to be more hands on, which is true,” Gil said.
Sophomore Cameron Swanson, like Gil, can be found around the auto shop, but he is currently taking Basic Auto, with plans to continue on to the advanced class next year.
“[Unlike other electives], it’s actually interesting. [It’s] a lot more engaging, and you do stuff with your hands. It’s more physical,” Swanson said.
Thayer also stresses how rare it is to have this type of class in a high school, mentioning how easy it is to find a classroom filled with computers and desks.
“To have […] a free high school class […] with five fully professional lifts at your disposal, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of tools and equipment at your disposal [is extremely valuable],” Thayer said.
Swanson recognizes this value, and is certain it will give him “experience for possible jobs in the near future.”
Thayer urges all students to take an automotive training class before they leave high school.
“If you go to any of the UC’s […], any of the CSU’s it won’t [have an automotive class]. You’d have to go to a community college, and only certain community colleges have it. And when you get there, you have to pay,” Thayer said.