Tennis players resume practice with new guidelines after courts reopen
PHOTO: The City of Davis reopened sports courts for public use on May 4. Since then, many students have resumed their practice.
By Sarah Griffiths, Staff–
As the City of Davis announced the reopening of public tennis courts, certain guidelines were put in place to keep players safe. These guidelines follow the health orders of the State of California and Yolo County.
Individuals with compromised immune systems or showing signs of illness are advised not to participate in activity for risk of infection. All players must practice social distancing and limit their playing to one-on-one.
Players must also avoid touching their face, including the eyes, nose and mouth as well as disinfect their hands before and after entering the court. Spectators are discouraged, and tournaments, instruction and clinics are prohibited.
Parks and Community Services Director Dale Sumersile believes tennis is a healthy activity that family members can partake in during this time.
“Playing singles can be safely done if players stay apart and follow the Yolo County Health Department’s recommended hygiene practices, keep a minimum distance of six feet at all times, and adhere to the other guidelines that the Yolo County Health Director has directed,” Sumersile said.
Sophomore Mika Hinton has been playing tennis since she was five years old. Hinton usually plays at an academy in Sacramento and at the UC Davis courts.
“The courts recently opened up at UCD and my academy restarted last week, so I have been going every day,” Hinton said. “I have been working more on fundamentals and improving my movement and mechanics of my game.”
Senior Lani Bugsch was also ecstatic when she heard the Davis courts had been reopened.
“The courts are a place where I feel at peace and where I can just have so much fun,” Bugsch said.
Bugsch started playing tennis her sophomore year and has found her passion on the court.
“It is a sport that I started later in life but one that I will play forever. I love the game so much because it is a very mental game but it is also physically challenging which people seem to underestimate,” Bugsch said.
With pleasant weather ahead, Davis can predict a rise in players on the court to exercise and stay occupied.
“The City appreciates the community’s patience and support as we chart through these unprecedented times. We know that the City’s programs and parks play a vital role in the lives of our community, more than ever, and we are doing our best to be as responsive as we possibly can,” Sumersille said.
The courts at the following locations have been opened: Walnut, Pioneer, Davis High School (Community Park), Willett Elementary School (Sycamore Park), Chestnut, Redwood, West Manor, Covell and Slide Hill.