Davis High evacuated after fake explosive device found on campus
PHOTO: Davis Police gather on West 14th Street in front of the Davis High where a possible explosive device was reported around 1:20pm. The police have since determined that the device was fake.
By Ayisi Ni, Mattias RowenBale and Elliot DeJong,
BlueDevilHUB.com Staff —
Note: More information will be added as it becomes available.
Davis High students were evacuated from their classrooms around 1:20pm on Mar. 11 after, according to Davis Police Lt. Ilya Bezuglov, “a student found a suspicious device in his backpack.” Bezuglov said that the device resembled a hand grenade.
According to an email from Interim Superintendent Matt Best, sent out to parents at 4:54pm, “The Davis Police Department has determined that the object was a fake device.”
The police were notified by a school official of the situation and quickly established a perimeter. The Davis Police, including an Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team, were on the scene for around three hours investigating the threat.
Classes initially went to their regular evacuation locations when the fire alarm went off, then were moved to the track and eventually the Davis Arts Center, where parents were allowed to pick up their children. Students were not allowed back on campus to collect their things until almost 5pm.
North Davis Elementary was also evacuated, and high school students at the Veterans Memorial Center for Friendship Day were temporarily stuck.
Junior Celeste Lopez was in her fifth period English class when the alarm sounded. She was able to go back to her classroom shortly after the initial evacuation to grab her backpack and keys. However, she said that the police on site did not allow staff and students to drink at a water fountain.
“It was horrible and annoying,” Lopez said.
About 15 DHS students attending a climate strike were stuck in downtown Davis after the evacuation began.
“I wasn’t scared for myself like a normal evacuation, but I knew my friends were there and I was kind of anxious for them,” junior Ben Simon said.
“I have no way of getting home except for a friend giving me a ride,” Simon added.
Junior Yusuf Abdelnur was also at the climate strike during the evacuation. “It’s all very odd,” he said.