Starting off Homecoming with Devil pride

PHOTO: Student Government hold a tug of war contest during Wednesday’s homecoming rally.

By Alessandra Trask, Staff —

Davis High student government put on a spirit week leading up to Homecoming weekend, encouraging students to show their school pride.

This year’s themes are: Muscle Monday, Team Tuesday, We Ball Wednesday, Theta Thursday and Blue Friday. 

Representing blue devil pride was a central theme in the planning of the spirit days. “Our group was really creative and helpful,” Secretary of Spirit Mollie Dyer said. Dyer, along with the rest of student government wore matching baseball jerseys for Team Tuesday.

Working in smaller committees than last year, student government was really efficient in their planning process.”We just sat down (and) brainstormed some ideas,”  wellness commissioner Elise Bauman said. 

Student government experienced a setback when administration changed Tuesday’s spirit day from Take a Swim Tuesday to Team Tuesday at the last minute. Administrators were not comfortable with the idea of swim wear at school. 

The student leaders adjusted quickly to the situation. “(It was) slightly frustrating but we kinda had to roll with it,” Dyer said. 

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