The fun unfolds with Origami Club during World Origami Days
PHOTO: Junior Holly Ji folds an origami bat at a Halloween-themed club meeting.
By Lily Schroeder, Staff–
Origami Club celebrates World Origami Days at Davis High with a display of intricately folded birds to symbolize the peace origami represents.
Junior Kevin Wong started Origami Club in March of 2022 as a way to spread his love of origami. Wong was surprised by the good attendance the club meetings had even in the beginning.
“A lot of people think origami is just something you do in second grade and it’s just like a fun arts and crafts project, but it really is something different that goes beyond just like an artisan craft,” Wong said.
Club member junior Tiffany Chan enjoys learning about origami. “The people in the club are really friendly and we get to collaborate and bond with each other while having fun doing what we’re doing,” Chan said.
For World Origami Days, Wong put up an origami display of a tree with hanging birds in the library. World Origami Days starts on Oct. 24, the birthday of Lillian Oppenheimer, founder of the first origami group in America, and lasts until Nov. 11, Origami Day in Japan.
“(It’s) two and a half weeks where we celebrate origami as the peace symbol it has become in the world,” Wong said.
Wong believes origami should be applied to the real world as the art requires a great deal of math and engineering. He is excited that origami is being used by NASA engineers to build future spacecrafts as a way to fold materials to conserve space during launch.
“It’s really fun spreading the power of just folding,” Wong said.