Davis battles it out against Folsom

PHOTO: Davis players huddle together for their pre-game meeting.

By Eleanor Whitney

BlueDevilHUB.com Staff–

On Monday, Davis High’s women’s varsity volleyball lost in a tough match against Folsom, 3-0. 

Davis began in the lead, but Folsom quickly caught up. Junior Juliana Van Boxtel, a key player in the game, made a powerful kill, and Davis was up once again. 

The points were neck and neck once they reached the 20’s. Folsom would get a point, then Davis would match it, and this went on until Folsom was up by one at 25-24. This couldn’t count as a win however, because they would have to win by more than 2 points. After a quick time out, the teams were back on court, and they each fought hard, again going back and forth earning points, until Folsom eventually won 29-27.

The second set began with junior Madeline Shull racking up points. “[She was really] consistent with passing,” coach Julie Crawford said. 

After an incredible rally, Van Boxtel dove and saved a ball inches from the ground, thus garnering the team’s 13th point. 

Though the team put in lots of effort, Davis lost the game “through lots of unforced errors,” Crawford said. 

“[We] played a competitive game. They were able to hang in there against a competitive team,” Crawford said. “Every match is going to be like that in this league. [We] need to maintain that effort.”

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