Retiring teachers look forward to new chapter
By Bernardo Verdiguel, Staff– Classroom teachers James Johnson, William Zinn, Karl Ronning and Jeanne Pettigrew and counselor Courtenay Tessler
Read moreBy Bernardo Verdiguel, Staff– Classroom teachers James Johnson, William Zinn, Karl Ronning and Jeanne Pettigrew and counselor Courtenay Tessler
Read moreBy Elissa Koh, Staff– The next iteration of the monthly California Mathematics League test, widely known as the CAML,
Read moreBy Roland Li, Staff– On Oct. 14, sophomores and juniors filled the Davis High gyms to take the PSAT, a
Read moreBy Ashley Han, Editor-in-Chief– Math teachers at Davis High have suspected that some students cheated on the Jan. 13
Read moreBy Mahan Carduny, Staff– Students in math are taking an exam. The student on the left plans to cheat
Read moreBy Kellen Browning, Editor– The beginning of the school year means as many as seven new teachers for most
Read moreBy Kellen Browning, Staff– Audrey Zenner wakes up early every morning to prepare for school like any other freshman;
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