The group writes thank you notes to artists who talked to them about their art and about how to put together a large artistic project.
Tripathy draws a cover on one of the thank you notes. The group met with over twelve artists from the area to learn from them.
The group leader asks the artists to draw out their own ideas about social media and how it affects teens.
Sophomore Maya Tripathy explains the ideas of the group members who were missing regarding social media and technology.
Clare Saiki explains what her drawings represent about technology and her ideas of social media.
Emme VanVorhis explains her idea of technology as a barrier rather than a source of further human connection.
The group leader records the groups’ ideas regarding technology and social media.
Laura Britt puts together all her favorite ideas from the group brainstorm into her own version of an ideal portrayal of technology.
VanVorhis shows her finished idea of what technology means. She incorporated some of the other girls’ ideas into her own idea of separation.
Britt explains that her favorite idea was Tripathi’s idea of hands connecting.
Tripathi shows her idea of the connection technology creates through two connecting hands.
After brainstorming ideas, the group continues with their agenda, proceeding to finalize their mural idea.
By Anna Verdiguel, Staff–
Recently, a group of student artists in the Teens Take Charge program organized by the Pence Gallery have been putting together an event to showcase their collaborative mural. They are working to make a statement about social media and technology through their art. The event they are organizing, called createfest, will center around their portable mural, and will include food, music, and other activities.