SENIOR WEEK: Senior choir prepares to sing at graduation

By Sarah Garrett, Editor—
Davis High is continuing the tradition of having an all-senior choir perform a special song at graduation. A small group of seniors have volunteered to sing “100 Years” by Five For Fighting this year.
The choir is composed of 16 seniors from any of the DHS choirs—Madrigals, Jazz Choir, ATC or Concert Choir. It is not required, however, that a student be in one of these choirs to sing at graduation.
The seniors have been practicing every Thursday at lunch since April, and according to director Bill Zinn, rehearsals have been going well.
“People have been learning their music and we’re about at the point where everyone has memorized [the song],” Zinn said.
Rehearsals were tricky at first because they began during testing week, but now Zinn is confident that the choir is prepared to sing at graduation.
The Madrigals will also be performing the National Anthem at graduation around the same time that the senior choir performs its song.