Gabe Leal gets ready to pass the ball in the first quarter.
George Van Vorhis stretches far to make the next pass.
Van Vorhis steals a shot.
Cameron Wright makes a perfect shot right through Granite Bay’s goalie’s hands.
The competition get wild as the ball is flung into the air through grabbing arms.
Coach Tracy Stapleton hides his excitement after Davis scores.
Sophomore Daniel Alvarez shows great power and control over the ball.
Wright’s shot propels into the air high above the the oncoming opposing players.
Van Vorhis has an intense game face and arm to match.
Peter Blumburg tries to steal the ball from a Granite Bay player.
Alvarez challenges the goalie and makes the shot. Go Devils!
Bradly Nicholson has full control over the competition in the fourth quarter. Davis wins 16 to 8 against Granite Bay.
By Claire Bold, Staff–
Davis High men’s varsity water polo took down Granite Bay on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Standout Cameron Wright led the Devils to victory (16-8) with four goals.