Charity brings Davis together during holidays

PHOTO: First Baptist Church stores gifts and food to be distributed to families through the STEAC holiday program.
By Ellie Blosch Staff–

The season of giving brings holiday spirit across the world. In Davis the community is working to help with food insecurity over the holiday season.

This winter, Davis High’s Student Government organized a canned food drive with STEAC (Short Term Emergency Aid Committee), an organization that provides Yolo County families with basic necessities.

Student Government member Katie McMullen is chair of the committee working with STEAC. “We’re running a canned food drive to benefit the people in the community who are facing food insecurity and just sort of bringing people together during the holidays,” McMullen said.

As chair of the committee, McMullen works to make sure that everything runs smoothly. “It was just something that I wanted to be a part of because I thought it was interesting and I have already done shifts with the Yolo Food Bank, so it is something I am familiar with,” McMullen said.

Each 4th-period classroom received a box to which students brought donations. Any canned items were accepted, but an emphasis was placed on canned chicken, soup, oatmeal, pasta sauce and oil.

“There’s a lot of food insecurity in Yolo County and in our community that people don’t see,” McMullen said. “I think that even the smallest donation will help a family, and that is reason enough to donate.”

Student Government adviser Kristin Swanstrom was also part of the process. “This is the first time I have been directly involved,” Swanstrom said. “For years I had a (donation) box in my room, and encouraged students to participate.”

DHS’ drive is a chance for students to come together and help those in need. “You can do a little something and feel like you’re part of something bigger, and that is one of the cool things about working with local non-profits,” Swanstrom said.

However, the holiday spirit does not end with the canned food drive. STEAC also holds an annual holiday program. Kelly Coleman, chairperson of the program, has been running it for five years.

This is the holiday program where we match local Davis individuals and families in need with community groups, families, and other organizations,” Coleman said.

Those who adopt a family receive a food list, and gift ideas for the family in need. Volunteers are also able to help by signing up for shifts.
This year had the largest number of applicants to the program. “We have 500 families who applied to be sponsored, and we’ve got 343 people who adopted those families and are providing food and gifts,” Coleman said.

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